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2020 Richmond BC High School Rankings

Hugh McRoberts Secondary School in Richmond BC

Local schools’ reputation and school rankings are a significant deciding factor when young families decide to buy a new home in Richmond, BC. Some areas in Richmond might have convenient facilities, some may have a beautiful ocean view, or some may be very close to SkyTrain Station. These qualities are essential to family life. For young families, the school’s catchment area, their new home falls within is one of the most critical factors.

To help parents choose the right secondary schools for their children in Richmond, Fraser Institute publishes a report card on BC Richmond’s Public and Private High Schools each year. The Fraser Institute is the most reliable organization that provides high school rankings in British Columbia. We hope this report can help the parents find the best high school for their family in Richmond, BC.

2020 Richmond BC Public High School Rankings

Ranking School Score 2018-19 Rank 2018-19 City
1 Hugh McRoberts 8.1 27/252 Richmond
2 Robert Alexander McMath 7.8 36/252 Richmond
3 R C Palmer 7.5 45/252 Richmond
4 Cambie 6.6 89/252 Richmond
5 Steveston-London 6.2 115/252 Richmond
6 Richmond 5.9 131/252 Richmond
7 Matthew McNair 5.4 160/252 Richmond
8 J N Burnett 5.3 167/252 Richmond
9 A.R. MacNeill 4.3 218/252 Richmond
10 Hugh Boyd 4.1 225/252 Richmond

2020 Richmond BC Private High School Rankings

Ranking School Score 2018-19 Rank 2018-19 City
1 Richmond Christian 9.9 5/252 Richmond

Related: Richmond BC Elementary School Ranking

If you have any questions about homes for sale near Richmond’s High School, please contact me.

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